Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
True piano lessons provide a life-long
journey of joy. Are you ready?
Piano lessons. What a great idea! You want to learn how to play the piano and I must say you have made a great choice. Learning, practicing, and playing the piano will all add wonderful new dimensions to your life.
This site offers free help for all piano players from stark beginners, to frustrated-“been taking piano for years, but still can’t play much…”- piano students, to more advanced students looking for resources, to teachers who need ideas.
The ultimate secret to piano? Practice. The piano player’s true joy is in practicing. Learn to enjoy your practice and you will go far. At this site, you will learn how to practice the piano efficiently and effectively, making progress each time you sit down to work.
Piano technique, piano chords and scales, music reading, learning and memorizing piano pieces, ideas for playing by ear, and for improvising…these are all part of the developing piano player’s daily progression towards confidence and freedom at the piano.
Whether you like classical piano, jazz piano, blues piano, ragtime piano, new age piano, or boogie-woogie piano, the foundation of piano skills remains the same. Start basic and work your way along, but always remember to enjoy the journey. I’m hopeful that with this site, you will find the tools you need to make the journey easier.